Find Your Fit!
Which Cardio Workout Is The Best Fit For You? Did you know that cardio exercises increase the heart rate, prompting your stored fat pockets in your body to provide energy to muscles. When you do any form of cardio, there is an increase in oxygen that goes to your...
Spin Bike Workout For Beginners
How To Make A Spin Bike Workout Work For You I've always found doing group classes a bit daunting - being in a room with a lot of people that know what they are doing is intimidating! So, I decided to "take" a spin class on my own first at the gym, by watching the...
My Intermittent Fasting Journey- How I Lost Over 20 Lbs in 3 Months!
My Intermittent Fasting Journey When I first began my Intermittent Fasting journey, my main motivating factor was weight loss. I'd tried diets, calorie reduction, good ol' fashioned exercise, and nothing was (consistently) working for me. I had reached a point where I...
Best Elliptical Machine Workout – 30 Minutes, Over 300 Calories Burned!
Elliptical Machine Workout Benefits Ugh. Cardio time. I walk into my gym and the cardio section is always right there in front of me - taunting me to do a dreaded stairmaster, treadmill, or the Elliptical Machine workout. I would much rather workup a great sweat...
These 9 Benefits That Prove Why You Should Be Doing This!
Pilates for Beginners - The 9 Reasons to say YES! Alright, so I finally did it - I took my first Pilates class, and man is that a great workout! I've always been the type of person that prefers to feel like I'm working out (basically, this means I want to sweat, or I...
100 Workout for Beginners
The 100 Workout for Beginners I love the 100 workout for beginners, as I find it's simple, scale able, and quick! I find that each exercise is modifiable, and I also use the template to plug in other exercises to give me more variety, ie. skipping becomes jumping...
Beginner Kettlebell Workout
Beginner Kettlebell Workout Benefits Beginner kettlebell workouts have become extremely popular over the last several years. This is because more and more people are starting to realize just how beneficial they can be. How To Use A Kettlebell To properly perform a...
Best Full Body Workout Idea
4 Kickboxing Workout Benefits For Fitness And Weight Loss If you are looking for a tough full body workout that will get you in shape fast you need to check out kickboxing. Thanks to the combination of bobbing, weaving, kicking and punching you will be able to get in...
The #1 Guaranteed Weight Loss Tool
What is the tool that is GUARANTEED to assist in your Weight Loss journey? ⇓ HINT A jump rope is something that every movie star uses at least once in their workout montage. Well, at least, I know I remember when I dreamed of being just like Rocky Balboa. It comes as...
The Best Ever Spartacus Workout for Women!
The Spartacus Workout for Women: Powerful Fitness Program to Melt Muffin Tops and Sculpt Abs A lot of people are very unhappy with their current weight and their overall fitness level. This is because there are so many foods we enjoy eating, and yet few engage in the...