Where to Start Your Health and Fitness Lifestyle Journey
Where to Start Your Health and Fitness Lifestyle Journey By Liz B Once we have noticed a problem in our lives or maybe something just missing and we come to the decision that the problem is that we are not living our lives quite as well or as fully as we should be...
6 Fitness Industry Trends To Expect In The New Year
6 Fitness Industry Trends For 2017 With the New Year almost here, it’s time to figure out what your health and fitness plan for the year is going to look like. While we continue to see things such as wearable technology in the form of Fitbits, for example, and more...
Weight Loss Success Stories – 3 Inspirational Journeys
Weight Loss Success Stories Jamie's Weight Loss Success Story: This video below is actually an old coworker of mine. The last time I met up with him was for a dinner, and I remember thinking afterwards that it wasn't that he looked way skinnier, or ripped (at this...
How To Stay Motivated To Workout In The New Year!
How To Stay Motivated To Workout In The New Year! Each year I write down my list of New Years Resolutions, which always include a weight loss or working out component of some sort. Then every year, by then end of January 31st I’ve given up. This past year I decided...
Holiday Fitness – Plan To Keep It Real For The Holidays!!
Holiday Fitness – Plan To Keep It Real For The Holidays! With the holidays upon us, 'tis the season to indulge and gain, gain, gain! I’ve come up with creative ways to help reduce your weight gain, while still letting you indulge! It’s all about a healthy balance and...