4 Reasons to Step It Up with Step Aerobics Workouts
Step Aerobics Workouts 101 Get ready to step into the workout scene, everyone! While there are are many different forms of aerobic exercise, Step Aerobics workouts and one of the best kinds, and I am to tell you why! Step aerobics workouts are exactly what it sounds...
3 Benefits of a StairMaster Workout
3 Reasons Why You Should Be Doing A Swimming Workout
Benefits of a Swimming Workout For Fitness and Muscle Toning Swimming is a simple exercise that anyone can do. Its low impact and it can burn calories and build muscle all at the same time. And the best part is you don't even know your exercising because it’s so fun...
These 9 Benefits That Prove Why You Should Be Doing This!
Pilates for Beginners - The 9 Reasons to say YES! Alright, so I finally did it - I took my first Pilates class, and man is that a great workout! I've always been the type of person that prefers to feel like I'm working out (basically, this means I want to sweat, or I...
The #1 Guaranteed Weight Loss Tool
What is the tool that is GUARANTEED to assist in your Weight Loss journey? ⇓ HINT A jump rope is something that every movie star uses at least once in their workout montage. Well, at least, I know I remember when I dreamed of being just like Rocky Balboa. It comes as...
Weight Loss – The Pros and Cons of Cardio Workouts
Weight Loss - The Pros and Cons of Cardio Workouts By Beverleigh H Piepers Cardio workouts gather a lot of attention. Sometimes it is as if it's popular for someone to tell a neighbor about the new cardio routine they have included in their workout. Go to any crowded...