Beginner's Fitness

5 Ways To Re-Set Your Workout Routine

5 Ways To Re-Set Your Workout Routine

How To Get Back In A Workout Routine If you are anything like me, you know how easy it is to get off track of your fitness routine by the simplest thing. Once that happens, you get caught up in an increasingly downward spiral of eating worse and working...

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4 Reasons to Step It Up with Step Aerobics Workouts

4 Reasons to Step It Up with Step Aerobics Workouts

Step Aerobics Workouts 101 Get ready to step into the workout scene, everyone! While there are are many different forms of aerobic exercise, Step Aerobics workouts and one of the best kinds, and I am to tell you why! Step aerobics workouts are exactly what it sounds...

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Dance Fitness For The Win!

Dance Fitness For The Win!

9 Benefits of Dance Fitness As the great Paula Abdul said, “find fitness with fun dancing. It is fun and makes you forget about the dreaded exercise.” Well, Paula, you nailed it. Who wouldn’t want to burn calories while listening to their favorite tunes? There are...

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3 Reasons Why You Should Be Doing A Swimming Workout

3 Reasons Why You Should Be Doing A Swimming Workout

Benefits of a Swimming Workout For Fitness and Muscle Toning Swimming is a simple exercise that anyone can do. Its low impact and it can burn calories and build muscle all at the same time. And the best part is you don't even know your exercising because it’s so fun...

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10 Minute Ab Workout to get Killer Abs

10 Minute Ab Workout to get Killer Abs

Killer Ab Workout - Only 10 Minutes A Day! Well, summer is coming up way quicker than any of us would like! And with summer, comes beach weather! And that means - dare I say it - swimsuit season! Well this is your year, I can feel it. Part of the health challenge is...

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Do You Have Questions About the Keto Diet?

28-Day Keto Plan


Shed pounds in weeks!Intermittent Fasting

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